pretty-git-report – a CLI to give you daily commit metrics

Have you ever…

  • Wanted to track your daily additions and deletions without leaving your beloved terminal?
  • Busted your back piping git log {insert-hundred-flags} through endless hoops trying to create a somewhat human readable and useful output?
  • Wanted to use a functional node.js cli with an immoral amount of Rambda usage? (Sorry about that, btw, I just wanted to see how far I could go. Quite far, it turns out!)
  • Wished you would live to see a tool (any tool at all) that treverses a directory tree - :O – concurrently?

Then look no further. Lo and behold:

$ npx pretty-git-report ~/code cekrem
Repo                                              +       -
/elm-chess                                       10       0
/android-app-starter                             20       0
/deep-neural-network-blockchain-pivot-starter  1307     791
Total                                          1337     791

Feel free to check out the code, but don’t try all that Rambda stuff at home :|