Exploring UIs in the terminal part 2: More ink!

Abandon ship, all y’all

In part 1, I made a small POC cli tool for doing multiple things in parallel. Like curling multiple endpoints and collecting the responses in a neat and tidy list instead of opening several terminal tabs/panes. The goal was partly to explore how rendering actually works in a more confined environment than the DOM (web), or more complicated yet: native mobile apps. The other goal, as usual, was to have fun while doing it. My adventures in part 2 have, however, been slightly shipwrecked.

Mosaic, you’re no fun

My plan was to proceed this series by creating the same app as I did in the previous post, only using Mosaic instead of Ink. Turns out, that wasn’t as much fun as I anticipated. When my 2-year-old is acting up, I tell him “fun, or room?”. Using the same approach, I’m sending Mosaic to his (her?) room for the following reasons:

  • Getting even “hello world” to work was a real hassle. Gradle this, dependency that, and frankly not plug and play at all. npm > gradle when measuring “fun”.
  • It’s not really proper Compose after all. We can’t use LaunchedEffect, so there’s no remember, and all work is being done in the main scope. It just feels wrong.
  • I work with Kotlin, Compose and Gradle every day anyway, so for a refreshing side project it doesn’t quite cut it for me :P

I still think it’s an amazing project concept, and kudos to mr Wharton for kicking it off. But it’s not for me. After all, why do a side project if it’s no fun?

Back in Ink-land

I’m having a hoot and a half tweaking domorestuff every once in a while. Redux also works, although there’s this weird issue with needing ReactDOM to get the new tooling to work. I can’t see that it’s actually called, but builds fail without it. I can live with that ¯\(ツ)

Is this how the cool kids write Redux these days? I don’t know. But it felt oh-so-good to make reducers again, and better still knowing that it’ll be used to render something in the terminal:


import pkg from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import {v4 as uuidv4} from 'uuid';

const {configureStore, createSlice} = pkg;

export const COLORS = {
	success: 'green',
	error: 'red',
	pending: 'black',

const [normal, input, search] = ['normal', 'input', 'search'];
export const MODE = Object.freeze({

const initialState = {
	commands: {},
	newCommand: '',
	activeIndex: 0,
	inputMode: MODE.normal,

const parseCommand = raw => {
	const [root, ...args] = raw.includes(' ') ? raw.split(' ') : [raw];
	return {
		id: uuidv4(),
		color: COLORS.pending,

const rootSlice = createSlice({
	name: 'root',
	reducers: {
		setInitial: (_, {payload}) => {
			const commands = payload.map(parseCommand);
			return {
				commands: commands.reduce(
					(acc, entry) => ({
						[entry.id]: entry,
		addCommand: ({commands, ...state}, {payload}) => {
			const command = parseCommand(payload);
			return {
				inputMode: MODE.normal,
				newCommand: '',
				commands: {...commands, [command.id]: command},
		nextCommand: ({activeIndex, ...state}) => ({
			activeIndex: activeIndex + 1,
		previousCommand: ({activeIndex, ...state}) => ({
			activeIndex: activeIndex - 1,
		deleteCommand: ({commands, ...state}) => {
			const ids = Object.values(commands).map(({id}) => id);
			const id = ids[state.activeIndex % ids.length];

			const {[id]: _, ...remainingCommands} = commands;
			return {
				commands: remainingCommands,
		setInputMode: (state, {payload}) => ({
			newCommand: '',
			inputMode: payload,
		inputCharacter: ({newCommand, ...state}, {payload}) => ({
			newCommand: newCommand + payload,
		inputDelete: ({newCommand, ...state}) => ({
			inputMode: newCommand.length ? MODE.input : MODE.normal,
			newCommand: newCommand.slice(0, -1),
		// set any prop (but only for existing commands)
		setCommandProp: ({commands, ...state}, {payload}) =>
			payload.id in commands
				? {
						commands: {
							[payload.id]: {
								[payload.key]: payload.value,
				: {

export const {
} = rootSlice.actions;

export const store = configureStore({
	reducer: {
		root: rootSlice.reducer,

Compose, sadly, can’t touch this. And Gradle troubleshooting is the worst. Also, as the keen observer might notice: I’m adding search/filtering. It’s not done yet, and maybe not even useful at all. But definitely fun!